Cyber Liability

Originally written and published by USI Affinity Professional Liability Practice Leader Mike Mooney on August 17, 2020. The current COVID-19 pandemic has shaken how, when and even where lawyers do business. With that said, we need to look forward and prepare for the reality of a post-COVID world. Solo practitioners... Read more →

With a significant portion of the current U.S. workforce having shifted to a remote environment, many businesses, law firms included, are finding that their employees may not return to the “actual office”. This disruption has opened the doors for Cyber Criminals to do what they do best - mayhem. From... Read more →

Your office manager accidentally clicks on a link in an email that appears to be from you. Now there are fraudulent emails being sent out from your office manager’s email account because a cyber hacker has gained access. You call your IT provider, get the situation under control, block the... Read more →

Lawyers and Cybersecurity: Lawyers Fail to Make the Grade in the ABA’s Most Recent Report Card In late October, the American Bar Association’s Legal Technology Resource Center released its ABA TechReport 2019.[1] Unfortunately, the report was not good news for lawyers. The report, based upon responses from lawyers across the... Read more →

As cyber professionals often counsel, it’s “when, not if” a cyber attack will affect you, your firm and your clients. Our duties and obligations as practitioners require that we take steps to protect ourselves and our clients from the risks associated with such attacks, including developing and implementing plans and... Read more →

It was 2:32 a.m. in January 2019 at EQT’s headquarters. A senior level employee who was slated for a layoff the next day, entered the premises and connected his company-issued laptop to a private network, transferring confidential trade secrets to his personal Google drive. In addition, he removed a portable... Read more →

The dawn of a new year makes us pause for a moment and reflect upon the past year. Doing so within the cyber security space in 2018 reminds us once again that none of us are safe from the challenges and risks of living and practicing law in a technological... Read more →

On October 17, 2018, the American Bar Association's Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility issued Formal Opinion 483 on a lawyers' obligations after an electronic data breach or cyberattack. This opinion acts as the compliment to Formal Opinion 477R which opines on a lawyer's obligations to safe guard protected... Read more →

We counsel all types of clients about the importance of protecting themselves and those they serve from the dangers of cyber attacks and intrusions into their electronic systems and digital lives. When we offer such counsel, we talk about things such as the importance of identifying cyber risk, ways to... Read more →

Discovery can be arduous and time consuming, made all the more taxing when the documents to be produced, or that have been produced, lack organization. Indexing documents through bates stamping - and now newer technologies - generally helps ease discovery and litigation in general, reducing time and saving money for... Read more →