Social media communications can be quite difficult for clients. Negative posts by an opponent can turn a basic business dispute into a reputational risk. Since social media is often publicly available, even third parties can affect the matter, sometimes in unexpected ways. This month’s article explains how attorneys can stay... Read more →

Tax laws can often appear daunting, and even experienced professionals may make mistakes at times when it comes to meeting compliance deadlines and making tax elections. Read this month's article here for specific regulations and examples related to tax election omissions and mistakes as well as tips for navigating these... Read more →

Tax laws can often appear daunting, and even experienced professionals may make mistakes at times when it comes to meeting compliance deadlines and making tax elections. Read this month's article here for specific regulations and examples related to tax election omissions and mistakes as well as tips for navigating these... Read more →

A Legal Hold Notice is a directive requiring the recipient of a notice to preserve and maintain evidence related to a matter which is, or may become, the subject of litigation in the future. This month's article examines the best practices for assisting a client who receives a Legal Hold... Read more →

Whenever potential damages substantially exceed the insured's limit of liability, defense counsel needs to be cautious about how settlement negotiations are handled. Click here to get practice pointers and tips for navigating policy limit demands. Read more →

CNA has compiled professional liability claims data from recent years to analyze trends and provide tips for mitigating the risks associated with legal malpractice claims in plaintiff's personal injury/property damage. CNA Fact Sheet to read more. Read more →

While referral fees and fee sharing agreements play an important role, these fees are not easy and risk-free money. There are strict requirements in order to collect the referral fee and proactive risk management pertaining to fee splitting agreements is critical. The CNA LPL Risk Control team outlines the rules... Read more →

Legal advertising has not been without its risks and pitfalls. Like other aspects of the practice of law, lawyers are guided by and often times restricted in who, what, where, when and how we advertise. This is most apparent whenever lawyers utilize new methods or services to advertise. However, lawyers... Read more →

Serving as a board member can be mutually beneficial for the lawyer and the corporate entity. Lawyers contemplating board service must weigh the potential benefits against the risks. The potential for conflicts of interest exists. Lawyer-directors need to protect themselves from the heightened risk of liability. Download this month’s Professional... Read more →

Planning for retirement is not easy for a successful and busy lawyer. Whether you intend to retire soon, or not retire at all, it will take time to prepare for a smooth exit from practice. Retirement is not an event; it’s a long-term process. The preparation takes a lot of... Read more →